Wednesday, May 2, 2012

WIW: Week 2

Well it's week two for Weigh In Wednesdays! I'm pretty happy with the progress I made this week.  I was looking back on my calendar and I've only missed one day of working out since April 23.  Not to  shabby!  And this week I'm down 2 pounds.  Yea! :)


This past week I pushed myself at the gym, made pretty wise food choices, and stayed within my calories (even though Friday and Saturday we had family get-togethers and I'm not gonna lie, both sides of the family know how to make some good food! ;)  I'm pretty excited that my sister has started to join me at the gym...  Maybe I can warp her into becoming a cycling addict as well. ;)

Speaking of pushing myself at the gym...  On Tuesday morning I went to a cycle class called "Rip & Ride".   I thought we'd do some strength stuff on the cycles like "jumps", which are basically like push-ups while you're riding.  But 10 minutes in or so, I hit a wall...  I just wanted to stop, I was bored (which never happens to me at cycle!), I wanted to be done.  About 5 minutes later, the instructor said "Alright, we're gonna go to the mats and do some planks, then give me 3 laps around the track, 5 sets of stair climbs, and 20 bench dips, then we'll come back."  I'll be honest, my initial reaction was "Maybe I can just stay on the bike", then my next thought was "I could just sneak out now".  BUT I stayed...  After that first round, we got back on the bikes for about 15 minutes, then she had us get hand weights, and we did squats, step-ups, bicep curls, 2 laps around the track, then we finished class on the bikes.  It was really a lot of fun, and I completely forgot that I was "bored" at the beginning of class. Just what I needed that day.  :)  I gave myself a pat on the back for staying and completing everything she had us do.  Today I'm feeling muscles that I forgot were there, but I guess that's how you know you got a great workout!  This morning I didn't go to a "class", but I did get up and was able to put in 30 minutes on the elliptical.  I think my body needed a "down" day.  Cycling can be intense! :)

Accomplishments this week:  trying a new class, working out every day except last Thursday, making good food decisions.

Goals for this coming week:  get at least one workout in a day (if not two),  test my endurance by doing the "program" on my treadmill that killed me 3 minutes in a month ago - my goal is to do the whole program without stopping or slowing it down, possibly start the 30-Day Shred DVD.

If you don't follow her already, my friend Sarah is just a delight to follow, and she's the reason I started doing WIW's, 'cause she does them too.  I get really excited when it's been a couple days and there's several entries that I get to "catch up" on!  I think of the SNL skit every time- "MORE COWBE... OF SARAH'S BLOG!  I NEED MORE!!" :)

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