Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Hate the Circle of Life...

... Especially when it happens in my backyard.

I went to let the dogs in tonight, and Chelsea had a baby rabbit on the back porch... After finally getting her to leave it alone and go in the house, I hollered for Chris to come get it thinking it was dead.  But worse yet, it wasn't.  It's back end was dragging.  I start crying.  Wonderful husband "took care" of it (I definitely couldn't have done it). I have to tell myself it was best/only thing for the poor thing. Still sad :(  Stupid dogs.

Reminds me of a very vivid memory I have of when I was little.  A baby bird had fallen out of the nest.  I wanted so bad to take it to the vet.  I just knew that they could help it.  But my Mom assured me there was nothing they could do for it.  I remember sitting on her lap crying.  And hearing her heartbeat.  It was so comforting.  She told me that not even a bird dies without God knowing about it.

I've always been sensitive when it comes to animals, especially baby animals.  And I'm pretty sure being a mom now makes it about ten times worse.

I'll leave you with a funny story of the same subject.  When I was younger, we went through our fair share of hamsters.  When one in particular died, I remember burying it in an old check box in the backyard.  I put food in the box, just in case it wasn't really dead.  Hahaha.  That's the extent of what I remember.  But apparently I dug it up a couple times... Well, every time the story gets told, my brother adds more times that I dug it up.  It was not seven times, or eight.  Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I dug it up to put food in the box, then maybe one more time to make sure it hadn't "woken up" and started eating the food.  Ahh, kids.

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